What is The Melbourne Forum?

The Melbourne Forum is a place for a diverse range of people to discuss social, economic, cultural, political and public policy issues of relevance to Melbourne.

Who are we?

Founded on diversity, we are an engaged group of people who come together to share ideas and perspectives on a range of local, national and global issues in a supportive and friendly environment.

We organise bespoke opportunities for robust and interactive conversations. We invite eminent experts in different fields to lead a conversation, to inform us and invite us to think about, discuss and involve ourselves in social, economic, cultural, scientific, political and public policy issues of relevance to Melbourne.

Melbourne Forum offers an opportunity to expand our thinking, hear different perspectives and identify ways we can contribute to important issues relevant to our City and us.

We are committed to provide a greater platform for and the increased visibility of diverse voices.

Our collective membership is drawn from the many different threads and backgrounds of our vibrant city: business leaders and philanthropists; consultants and social entrepreneurs; professionals from law, medicine, arts, health, architecture, education, technology and finance; people from SMEs, major corporations and government; foundations and for-purpose organisations.

With varied formats (in-person or virtual; conversation leader or members engaging with each other; learning from experts or exchanging ideas in interest groups) there are multiple ways to participate.

Our history, outstanding program and a mix of curious, passionate and inquiring minds make The Melbourne Forum a unique experience.

Join the Melbourne Forum

Enquire About Membership

Melbourne Forum is a place for a diverse range of people to discuss social, economic, cultural, political and public policy issues of relevance to Melbourne.

For any queries or inquiries regarding the Melbourne Forum please contact:

Executive Officer
Melbourne Forum

ABN: 80 141 147 079

Our Founding StoryThe Value Of Membership