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October 9, 2014
4:15 am - 6:00 am


Fortyfive Downstairs
45 Flinders Lane
Melbourne, Vic 3000 Australia
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John Armitage & Noel Turnbull

Hosted by:

October 9, 2014 @ 4:15 am - 6:00 am

Why pundits get it wrong: Polls, probabilities and election predictions

Join us for Melbourne Forum’s Member’s Drinks on Wednesday 8 October 2014 with Noel Turnbull and John Armitage in a thought-provoking conversation in the lead up to our State Election in November. Voting surveys get lots of media attention but are they of any value? What are the best indicators? When do people decide on their vote?

John Armitage founded the social research company Auspoll in 1998 and is currently the Director of Qdos Research. John was Steve Bracks private pollster for all three of his election victories and is currently working on Daniel Andrews bid to be Victorian Premier.

Adjunct Professor Noel Turnbull has had more than 40 years’ experience in communication strategy and issues management. Noel has been a journalist, press secretary, established what became Australia’s largest public relations consultancy and author of a number of books.

Why do pundits get it wrong? See you on Wednesday 8th October!

Polls, probabilities and election predictions