Member Stories

Yvonne von Hartel AM “The Melbourne Forum offers a modern club experiencing new things in Melbourne.” 

Bruce Hartnett AM “…a journey that opens our eyes and opens our minds.”

Prof. Emeritus Andrea Hull AO “Melbourne Forum is an environment of respect.”

Carol Schwartz AO “… the very successful, creative and inclusive Melbourne Forum was born. It is a real 21st century club, with flexible meeting spaces and great speakers and events. This is what the 21st century looks like!”

Jed Macartney OAM “I initially joined because I liked its origins and the format of the events. The origins are still valid, the events are better and I have met many wonderful people who have been guest speakers and many more who are members.”

Dianne Jacobs “Yesterday’s initiative was indicative of how a Member Forum can encourage divergent viewpoints, show leadership, offer new perspectives and enhance learning by listening to others. Each person was able to engage in respectful conversation and we all benefited.” 

Noel Turnbull “Today is another example of what a great program there is this year. Engaging with erudite speakers on profound issues.

Dr Sheila Nguyen “We seek betterment for knowledge acquisition and a better sense of civic leadership.”

Dr Michael Liffman “Underlying this discussion was a hope that participants would come with open minds, to ask important questions, to challenge their own assumptions, understand the interplay of certain and uncertain beliefs, to learn from ideas, listen to the facts, and even change their mind.”

With varied formats (in-person or virtual; conversation leader or members engaging with each other; learning from experts or exchanging ideas in member forums) there are multiple ways to participate.