Member Forums

You will notice member-led, member-only forums that complement our excellent program of conversation leader, speaker focused events.

Enhancing how we learn and exchange ideas, these interest groups give you access to meet with fellow members, in small cohorts and in intimate settings, to explore and discuss a range of special themes.

Don’t just take our word for it, hear what a member has said: “It was really interesting to hear the views of people with such radically different experiences and, as always, it gave one considerable food for thought. The excellent way in which in the discussion was guided gave us a number of insightful questions for us to reflect and comment on.”

Underlying the concept is the hope that participants will come with open minds, ask important questions, challenge their own assumptions, understand the interplay of certain and uncertain beliefs, hear new ideas, listen to other viewpoints, and even change their mind.

Being part of a member forum offers you the opportunity to:

Explore a theme – whether it is a group that comes together to discuss Sustainability Leadership or the series on civic engagement or the Dangerous Dinners series that takes you into unchartered waters, or Fellowship Roundtables that help our fellowship recipients solve a strategic issue, or reading wide-ranging Non-Fiction books – there will be various avenues to spark your curiosity.

Have stimulating conversations – it is the differing viewpoints of members that adds to the Melbourne Forum experience. When each person expresses a view that respectfully adds to the collective knowledge, we all benefit. Interest groups present thought-provoking conversations in which to actively participate. “What I liked was that it was a really informed discussion with some fascinating insights” is how most feel after an event.

Connect and engage – interest groups are a wonderful way to spend more time getting to know others around the table. Melbourne Forum is often regarded as a community of members who come together because they are keen to engage for a better civil society. As one member explained, an interest group is “… as good a connection to the other members present as I have got from any Melbourne Forum event I have been to.”

You can be part of a series or attend single events as they come along. Some will be on Zoom, some will be at the Kelvin Club, some will be experiences such as a study tour.

We look forward to warmly welcoming you to an interest group soon.

“I can think of no better way to engage in conversations on contemporary challenges than with interested fellow members. The energy is exciting.”

Visit all the upcoming events here >>