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October 25, 2016 @ 11:30 pm
October 26, 2016 @ 1:00 am


Venue: Sake
121 Flinders Lane
Melbourne, Vic 3000 Australia
  • This event has passed.

Peace, a prerequisite for society – survival in the 21st century

Hosted by:

October 25, 2016 @ 11:30 pm - October 26, 2016 @ 1:00 am

"If we are looking at the major challenges facing humanity today they are global in nature. Things like climate change, ever decreasing bio-diversity or full use of the available fresh water, and underpinning this is over-population" – Steve Killelea AM

For the last 10 years Steve has engaged the Economist Intelligence Unit to produce the Global Peace Index, www.visionofhumanity.org.

The Index shows that the world became less peaceful in the last year, reinforcing the underlying trend of declining peace over the last decade. Results also show a growing global inequality in peace, with the most peaceful countries continuing to improve, while the least peaceful are falling into greater violence and conflict.

In the past peace may have been the domain of the altruistic, but in the 21st century it is in everyone's self-interest. We need to understand what creates peace, yet most of what we think is the study of peace is actually the study of conflict. Steve believes that the greatest opportunity for creating peace lies in understanding why the highly peaceful nations are peaceful and what got them there. Although simple, this is actually transformational.

Each person present today can play a role in developing a peaceful world. It can be as simple as just having a better understanding of our own actions or leaving a smile on the face of people we meet while going about our daily lives.

Join us and learn how we can become a more peaceful world.