We are a community of curious, connected and interested Melburnians contributing to and engaging on the important issues of today and tomorrow.
Melbourne Forum gives you access to the highest level of expertise and real-world lessons that our conversation leaders – all with a reputation for excellence – bring to the table under the Chatham House rule.
We are committed to providing a platform for, and the increased visibility of, diverse voices.
With varied formats (in-person or virtual; conversation leader or members engaging with each other; learning from experts or new experiences) there are multiple ways to participate.
Explore our upcoming program of events and forums.
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37 countries, 121 industries, 1 unifying goal: to redefine success in business
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Hosted by:
June 16, 2015 @ 10:30 pm - June 17, 2015 @ 12:00 am
– Members' Lunch with Alicia Darvall
As ED of B Lab Alicia Darvall is serving a global movement of entrepreneurs using the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Lab does this with several initiatives that help businesses attract customers, talent, and capital to scale.
Alicia has over fifteen years of community building experience, launching and building organisations for business and the not for profit sectors.
She has held senior roles at Moonlight Cinema, Melbourne Fringe Festival and Melbourne Fashion Festival. She has also worked with Gordon Ramsay Holdings, Village Roadshow, World Nomads, Australians in Film and Social Traders. She is on the board of the Stella Prize.
You can only be a part of a movemnet, if you know what you are standing for. See you at lunch on the 16th June 2015.