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May 24, 2022
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm
Event Category:


Member Forum on Zoom under Chatham House rule
  • This event has passed.

Decarbonising The Built Environment – what actions can the industry take now?

MF Interest Group: Sustainability Leadership

Hosted by:
Peter Lamell
Jenny Selway

May 24, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - 7:15 pm


There is mounting pressure on CEOs and boards to adopt and develop more sustainable business practices and the built environment – both new builds and existing portfolios – is no exception.

The conversation will be guided by two Melbourne Forum members Peter Lamell, Non Executive Director on boards such as pitt&sherry, Renew Australia and Citiwide Services and Jenny Selway who is a Non Executive Director on HILT Cooperative Research Centre and Agribio boards, as well as energy sector experience as an engineering executive.

Some of the questions we will explore in Decarbonising the built environment are:

> What actions can the industry take now?

> How can stakeholders across the value chain collaborate to succeed?

> Who needs to collaborate to solve the challenge?

> What shifts are needed to focus on value and innovation?

> Are ‘decarbonomics’ incentives needed?

Come with an open mind and definitely be prepared for a stimulating and challenging discussion as part of Melbourne Forum’s Sustainability Leadership interest group.


This Melbourne Forum Sustainability Leadership Interest Group will bring together those interested in sharing perspectives and exploring key issues with fellow members about sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, and governance). The intimacy of the experience is enhanced when everyone who attends gets to comment and exchange ideas. The hosts are members whose role is to gently guide the group’s conversation.


Save the dates for other conversations in the series:

June 20th: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – lessons from the Australasia factsheet?

July 18th: Boardroom responses – opportunities and risks in a zero carbon, sustainable world?

August 15th: AI and ESG – what are the synergies?

September 12th: 20-minute neighbourhoods – what is to be gained?

October 24th: COP 27 – can the UN climate conference in Sharm el-Sheikh bring about change?

November 7th: Economic growth and the right metrics – what is success?

These Book Group discussions will also explore the environment and sustainability.

June 14 – Thriving: The Breakthrough Movement to Regenerate Nature, Society, and the Economy by Wayne Visser

August 9 – Landscapes of Our Hearts: Reconciling People and Environment by Matthew Colloff

Please to RSVP

Tickets are not available as this event has passed.