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Australia’s National Science Agency
Lunch with Dr Doug Hilton AO
Hosted by:
Prof Vin Massaro
February 25 @ 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
$85.00 – $95.00The CSIRO works with industry, government and the research community to turn science into solutions to address Australia’s greatest challenges, including food security and quality; sustainable energy and resources; health and wellbeing; resilient and valuable environments; future industries; and a secure Australia and region.
Dr Doug Hilton AO is CSIRO’s Chief Executive. He is a molecular and cellular biologist and previously Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI). At WEHI, his medical research focussed on understanding how blood cells communicate and using this knowledge to improve disease treatments. He and his team held more than 20 patents and translated their research through collaboration with venture capitalists and the biopharmaceutical industry. Through an honorary appointment in the Zoology Department at University of Melbourne, he also studies a family of tiny day-flying moths involved in the pollination of Australian plants.
Beyond research, Dr Hilton has emphasised the importance of strong institutional cultures, and furthered diversity in science including as a member of the Champion of Change Coalition and a board member of Australians Investing in Women.
This is a special opportunity for members, potential members and guests to hear about Australia’s national science agency.
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