We are a community of curious, connected and interested Melburnians contributing to and engaging on the important issues of today and tomorrow.

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We are committed to providing a platform for, and the increased visibility of, diverse voices.

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July 21, 2014
10:30 pm


Venue: The French Brasserie
2 Malthouse Lane,
Melbourne, Vic 3000 Australia
  • This event has passed.

Intimate Lunch with Jennifer Keesmaat – SOLD OUT

Chief Planner & Executive Director, City of Toronto

Hosted by:

July 21, 2014 @ 10:30 pm

We are very excitied to announce that Jennifer Keesmaat has just agreed to join us for an Intimate Lunch on Monday 21 July 2014. Jennifer will only be in Melbourne for a few days, so this is a very rare and unique opportunity to hear an international perspective on planning.

Be quick to book as this Melbourne Forum Intimate Lunch will be limited to 10 people.

As the Chief Planner for the City of Toronto, Jennifer is committed to creating places where people flourish. Over the past decade, she has been recognized by the Canadian Institute of Planners, the Ontario Professional Planners Institute, the Design Exchange and +EDRA for her innovative work in municipalities across Canada, with a variety of awards for planning excellence.

Jennifer's work is characterized by an emphasis on the creation of complete communities, the facilitation of collaborations across sectors, and broad engagement with residents, municipal staff, Council, developers, business leaders, NGOs, and other stakeholders.