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Meeting Policy Challenges in a World dominated by Short-termism
- Dr. John Hewson
Hosted by:
November 5, 2014 @ 11:30 pm - November 6, 2014 @ 1:00 am
He has worked as an economist for the Australian Treasury, the Reserve Bank, the IMF and as an advisor to two successive Federal Treasurers and the Prime Minister.
His academic career included 11 years as the Professor of Economics and 4 years as the head of the School of Economics at the University of New South Wales and, more recently 2 years as Dean of Macquarie Graduate School of Management at Macquarie University.He is currently a Professor and Chair, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, in the Crawford School, ANU
Dr. Hewson’s business career before entering politics in 1987, was as a company director and business consultant and included roles as Foundation Executive Director, Macquarie Bank Limited and as a Trustee of the IBM Superannuation Fund.
Dr. Hewson’s political career included 7 years as a ministerial advisor and a further 8 years as the Federal Member for Wentworth in the Federal Parliament. He was Shadow Finance Minister, Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Industry and Commerce, then Leader of the Liberal Party and Federal Coalition in Opposition for 4 years.
Since leaving politics in early 1995, Dr. Hewson has run his own private investment banking business, including as director/advisor of a wide range of companies and was, until December 2004, a Member of the Advisory Council of ABN AMRO, having previously been Chairman of the Bank. In addition, he is Chairman of GSA, Signature Gold, Shartru Capital and Shartru Wealth. He is also Chairman of two major charities, Osteoporosis Australia and KidsXpress, and a Director of a number of other companies. Dr. Hewson writes and comments widely across the Australian media, including as a weekly Panelist on the Sky News Agenda program.
A principal focus of Dr. Hewson’s career has been Asia, where, over more than 30 years he has developed a wealth of contacts and experience in government and business and as a consultant to international agencies such as the IMF, UNESCAP and the Asian Development Bank.
Dr. Hewson has recently served as Special Advisor to the Secretary General of the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and he is a member of the Trilateral Commission.