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August 11, 2020
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm


A Zoom event under Chatham House rule
  • This event has passed.

Non-Fiction Books

A Melbourne Forum Interest Group

Hosted by:
Peter Lamell
Dianne Jacobs

August 11, 2020 @ 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm


View contemporary themes through the lens of the non-fiction written word. Come with an open mind, hear differing perspectives and uncover what your fellow readers think.

As we continue to meet during the year, we’ll be posting on Ex Libris (under the Members Area of the Melbourne Forum website) each new theme, book, written piece, poll or author interview for the group to explore.

First meeting theme: “Who is the most dangerous man in the world!?”

Books to read:

“The Most Dangerous Man In The World: Julian Assange and WikiLeaks’ Fight for Freedom” by Andrew Fowler (subject Julian Assange)

“Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” by Mary Trump (subject Donald Trump)

Whether you read both or read one, definitely come prepared to share your view, have a virtual drink, vote on your choice and find out who is more dangerous.

Click above image to vote, read about each book or watch the author interviews.

Please to RSVP

Tickets are not available as this event has passed.