Support A Rising Community Leader

Melbourne Forum Fellowships

Gift a seat at the table

Assist outstanding individuals through the many benefits of Melbourne Forum.

The Focus Is On Civic Impact And Strategic Issues

The Melbourne Forum Fellowship gives the rare opportunity for invited individuals to go on a special development journey that allows them to explore their civic impact, really expand their networks and engage in a different way of learning. It is designed to be inspiring and influential.

The Fellowship gives access to the Melbourne Forum program and draws on the insight and expertise of the membership to develop a solution to a strategic issue with assistance in turning those ideas into action.

These individuals have qualities that set them apart from others.

As with all future nominees for a Fellowship, recipients will be achievers and contributors in the non-profit or community sectors. They are already doing extraordinary things and now want to find new approaches, gain wider sources of inquiry, test strategies and broaden perspectives.


Each Fellowship recipient will bring to a Roundtable an issue that is important to their community work. In a relaxed, intimate format, the conversation will draw on the diverse expertise of select members who can add to the discussion their knowledge and experience of the strategic issue, supportively challenge or test assumptions, spark new ideas and point the way for potential actions. Under Chatham House rule and with the intent to learn, a Fellowship Roundtable is a development journey for all in the room.

There Are Many Ways To Support The Initiative

Fellowship places are funded from pledges by members or Director alum, members gifting event credits and funds raised from our digital program. Members wanting to share the joy of Melbourne Forum through supporting this Fellowship program may contribute a discretionary financial amount with the understanding that Melbourne Forum does not have DGR status and that all offers are voluntary, confidential and unconditional. Click here to donate

Members may also offer to share their expertise in a Fellowship Roundtable, be willing to facilitate introductions, become a mentor or provide specific guidance.

Further details are available upon request.